- Preparing for the hearing at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
- Representation when applying for asylum vis-à-vis the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- Determination of the right to asylum under Article 16a sec. 1 of the german constitution
- Granting refugee status
- Granting subsidiary protection
- Prohibition of deportation
- Representation in judicial proceedings due to rejection of the asylum application
- In admissible asylum application under the Dublin III regulation and unfounded asylum application
- Second asylum applications
- Representation in court proceedings after a rejected asylum application
- The granting of a temporary suspension of deportation
- Obtaining an employment permit during an asylum procedure
- The granting of suspension of deportation because of training or employment
We support you with the corresponding applications and the submission of the necessary documents or make the applications on your behalf.
You are also welcome to contact us in other cases not explicitly listed above.
We also represent them vis-à-vis the Immigration Office and in judicial proceedings if;
- You have been threatened with expulsion or you have already received an expulsion order or
- You are to be deported, including representation in detention pending deportation.